The tummy tuck is the unnecessary fat removal surgery from the abdomen. After the tummy tuck surgery, it is painful to stand up, sit down and sleep. If you don’t sleep with the correction position, you will feel pain. Here, I will guide you on how to sleep after tummy tuck.
After the tummy tuck, you will gain confidence in your look, reduce excessive weight, become fit than before, remove rigid skin, etc. You have to take proper rest for quick recovery. Before sleeping, follow the proper position and consideration to stay fit.
How to Sleep after Tummy Tuck?
To get recovered quickly from the tummy tuck, sleeping is essential. When you sleep, your body can recover the affected area naturally. But, your sleeping posture will be perfect so that you feel no pain in the affected area. If the affected area is injured for bad sleeping posture, there is a chance of anything bad. Take time and follow the instructions on how to sleep after tummy tuck to sleep with perfect positioning.
Place pillow under knees and head:
We usually put a pillow under our heads for relaxed sleeping. After the tummy tuck, put pillows under your knees for 2 or 3 weeks while sleeping. Also, a contoured pillow will give better comfort to the affected area. You can modify the pillows if necessary. The pillows provide a bent posture and keep the stitching area relaxed.
Lay down on the bed with the right shape:
After the surgery, the tissue of the affected area is tightly stretched. You have to change the abdomen position when you are standing, go to the washroom, etc. It becomes critical and painful. So, the bed shape must be adjusted with your bent posture.
Sleep on back:
Side sleeping may cause pain for tummy tuck patients. I recommend sleeping on the back and it is the best posture to sleep with comfort. If you are not accustomed with it, practice it for a few days in this posture for having a good sleep. After most of the surgery, doctors recommend the position to sleep with a short bend.
Semi-reclined position (face up):
This is the position that we recommend that you adopt in the initial postoperative stage. It is safe for tummy tuck patients. You should sleep in a reclining bed where your body rests in a slightly inclined posture.
We know that it is not the most comfortable position. But, it will allow you to be protected during the first week since your stitches will be very recent. In addition, this position is beneficial because when you have to get up, you will not have to use your hands. It does not force the affected area.
Use a recliner:
If you have the habit of sleeping in a bent position, use a recliner. It provides comfort and helps to reduce the risk of damaging the stitch. Because it allows you to adjust the bend angle according to your wants. You can use a recliner 1 to 6 weeks, as the doctor recommends. Make sure that no pressure can hurt the affected area.
Wear compressed clothes during sleep:
Clothing is another essential thing for a sound sleep. For the tummy tuck patients, the compressed clothes are perfect. They provide support on the abdomen after the tummy tuck. You should wear this type of clothes all day long to have a sound sleep. Before doing anything, consult with your surgeon and follow the instructions.
Can I Sleep On My Side After Tummy Tuck?
Sleeping on the side is unnatural and causes pain after a tummy tuck, so you cannot sleep well. It is better to practice sleeping on the back for a few days before the surgery. If you sleep on the back after the tummy tuck, you can get out of bed by rolling on your side. The posture helps maintain proper bend on hips, so no pressure cannot affect the stitch area.
Also, you cannot sleep on your stomach after the tummy tuck. You will feel pain and cannot sleep properly. If you cannot sleep properly, it will take time to recover. So, try to use a recliner and sleep on the back for quick recovery through better sleeping quality.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below, I have answered some frequently asked questions about the Tummy Tuck.
When can I sleep flat after a tummy tuck?
You can sleep flat after tummy tuck about 2-3 weeks later when you see the healing improvements in the affected area. First two weeks, you should sleep in a simple bent position.
How should I sit after a tummy tuck?
Follow the jackknifed position to sit after the tummy tuck. Lift the feet and keep the head-feet position at 45-degree angle to sit without hurting the affected area.
How long will I be hunched over after tummy tuck?
You cannot hunch over for 1/2 weeks after the tummy tuck. Surgeons recommend to stay in a bent position at least 7 days after the Tummy Tuck.
Can I walk upstairs after a tummy tuck?
You can walk upstairs any time after the tummy tuck. I suggest you take the help of others to walk upstairs and rest after a few steps. There is no risk of stitch opening.
Final Thought
A large number of patients are worried about sleeping after the tummy tuck. Here, I have discussed how to sleep after tummy tuck. I have presented the best positions to fall asleep after the surgery. With the positions, you can sleep well and recover soon. Take liquid as much as you can to keep the skin hydrated. You shouldn’t sleep with your partner after the tummy tuck to avoid friction at night. If you can, use a special soft pillow that helps to sleep well.